Allowing children to develop their sense of worth, self esteem and self confidence is critical. These are all skills they are going to need as they mature. By their middle school year’s, children are expected to manage multiple courses, assignments and expectations....

How Poor Time Management Impacts Your Self-Esteem
We all want to keep up. With today's current unemployment rate, you especially want to hold onto your job. However, when so many companies are downsizing, those employees who remain are left to pick up the slack of the ones that are gone. This adds additional...

How to Handle Regret
13 Ways to Boost Your Daughter’s Self-Esteem
In a culture saturated with digitally altered images of impossibly thin women, raising girls with high self-esteem can be daunting indeed. But as parents, you have great influence—both by what you say and what you do. Here’s some advice from experts.

Helping Strangers May Help Teens’ Self-Esteem
At the start of the new year, parents may encourage their teens to detox from social media, increase exercise, or begin a volunteer project. While kids may bristle at the thought of posting fewer selfies, surveys indicate 55 percent of adolescents enjoy volunteering....